Now-a-days women are more involved in job sector and they want to build up their carrier and that’s why they do not want more children even sometime they postpone to take child. Structural Adjustment Policy (SAP) led greater export orientated industries in the economy have increased women's employment in the formal manufacturing sector, particularly in the RMG industry and the export processing zones. Increase the growth of the readymade garments (RMG) and apparels industry, which according to the CMI (Census of Manufacturing Industries) data accounted for approximately 68% of total female employment in those industries covered by the CMI in 1985-'86, rising to over 69% by 1991-'92.
According to BGMEA statistics, the RMG industry employed 1.5 million workers in 1997-98, 90 percent of whom were women. In 2007 the female worker employed in RMG industry about 66 percent. The expansion of female employment in the RMG industry has some positive features in that many of the workers were previously unemployed or were in domestic service. But women were negatively affected by industrialization policies in a number of sectors such as handlooms, jute, cotton, food and beverage, etc. They either lost their jobs or were affected by job losses of their spouses. To reduce the wage gaps between male and female sectors, the Government needs to set wage norms. The tendency of setting lower minimum wages in female dominated sectors has to change. At first for reduce wage gap women need to have greater access to education, training and skills development and to the inputs for self-employment and establishing small and medium enterprises. The inflation rate almost double digit and it increases the cost of living which turn to the market of the middle income families. Separately we can find that the food inflation is higher than non-food inflation rate in 2007 which is 12.28 and 6.32 respectively. A large number of Non- Government Organizations also undertake human resource development training and income generation programs for women in general and disadvantaged women in particular. The active interventions by both government and NGOs have contributed for the expansion of female employment extensively. The role of NGOs in female employment expansion is very impressive. They always give priority to women of their recruitment. They organized the disadvantage rural poor women, raised their consciousness about gender differentials, motivate them to work for income earning and provided skill creation training. Female based job are created like as pre-school teacher, doctor, in SME business, customer care, nursing, receptionist, garment sector, modeling, beauty parlor, journalism, news representative etc. Reason behind theMoving From Housewife to Job
According to BGMEA statistics, the RMG industry employed 1.5 million workers in 1997-98, 90 percent of whom were women. In 2007 the female worker employed in RMG industry about 66 percent. The expansion of female employment in the RMG industry has some positive features in that many of the workers were previously unemployed or were in domestic service. But women were negatively affected by industrialization policies in a number of sectors such as handlooms, jute, cotton, food and beverage, etc. They either lost their jobs or were affected by job losses of their spouses. To reduce the wage gaps between male and female sectors, the Government needs to set wage norms. The tendency of setting lower minimum wages in female dominated sectors has to change. At first for reduce wage gap women need to have greater access to education, training and skills development and to the inputs for self-employment and establishing small and medium enterprises. The inflation rate almost double digit and it increases the cost of living which turn to the market of the middle income families. Separately we can find that the food inflation is higher than non-food inflation rate in 2007 which is 12.28 and 6.32 respectively. A large number of Non- Government Organizations also undertake human resource development training and income generation programs for women in general and disadvantaged women in particular. The active interventions by both government and NGOs have contributed for the expansion of female employment extensively. The role of NGOs in female employment expansion is very impressive. They always give priority to women of their recruitment. They organized the disadvantage rural poor women, raised their consciousness about gender differentials, motivate them to work for income earning and provided skill creation training. Female based job are created like as pre-school teacher, doctor, in SME business, customer care, nursing, receptionist, garment sector, modeling, beauty parlor, journalism, news representative etc. Reason behind theMoving From Housewife to Job